Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ben Fulford, February 25, 2014: War in the Ukraine and more banker murders as cabal end-game begins

The Eastern Europeans and Asians are mobilizing for some sort of big global push against the cabal over the coming days, according to Russian and Asian sources. The Russians say the latest shenanigans in the Ukraine meant the cabal had crossed a red line and that Russia was ready for war. The Asians were more secretive but nonetheless made it clear some sort of line had been crossed and that action was imminent. Meanwhile, the Bush and Rockefeller families are planning to murder 1200 bankers over the coming days in order to hide evidence against them, according to Neil Keenan. The bankers will be young and mostly involved in algorithmic trading and manipulation of various financial markets, it is believed. Also, in a sign of how twisted these people’s minds are, it turns out that each banker death means great derivative profits


  1. nonsense as usual from fukford.

  2. Don't trust this source or its info. It is actually recommending the Globalists' agenda.

  3. Pastor Lindsey Williams, why are you recommending this?? whose side are you on?
