Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth

The Greatest Scam on Earth - The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, yet buried in complication and confusion. A retired banker describes simply, the world's Money Scam and the reason every country is now going bankrupt. Private bankers have stolen the money creation process, and whereas once our money was created by the governments, debt-free, it is now created out of thin air and issued as debt with interest charges. In today's banker controlled world, money = debt, debt = slavery and therefore money = slavery --- our monetary systems have become systems of enslavement. Money is created out of nothing, issued as debt, not enough money is created for the future interest payments and inflation steals our savings. The money creation process should be taken away from the banks and given to the governments who can create money debt-free, interest-free. This is how it used to be done and we needed no income taxes. Finally, it is explained what we should do to stop supporting the money scam.


  1. it looks american s want their nation back, to me it looks is perhaps Jewish financial domain that is on this context holds the nation, financially. identifying the lot can ease the task. for a art-technology system of justice.......! in other words Jews are suppose to be smart, if they run banks and financial operations, perhaps they no longer perform that well; so a replacement takes place, all those Jews CEO, what ever, there are choices, could be Mormons, Christians, any other religion race or creed; or just folks that like to help. The exit from financial transactions CEO of Jewish ties, they have served well, no even a need of an economical crash; just diplomatic symbols. however nations and religions must unite in good faith to accomplish the task. as the reason for their removal is that the planet is indeed in such a chaos; that most folks no longer understand where or what is happening around them. from endless wars to poverty and suffering; looks is the claim. ... ! is the planet in chaos, the survey.... let the people vote..

    1. Thats quite a scam. The bankers bypass people completely by going directly to their leaders with a mortal threat, are given the money printing rights out of fear and then given control of a countries money supply . Everybody is a complete idiot. The bankers are know, and can be stopped if one man after the next shall get in line to stop this .
