Friday, February 28, 2014

Backdoor Bailout -- Save The People Not The Banks

Talking sense about banks and the banking crisis Simon Rose of Save Our Savers on BBC Radio Cornwall talking about the the banking crisis and bailing out the banks.
we are for all intents and purposes owned...and our representatives, those guys we supposedly vote into and out of office continue to sell us down the river, but they should have had enough brains to not be so easily duped. This was a fraud perpetrated against us with the help of both parties.

GOLDMAN IS THE MODERN VERSION OF THE VIKINGS!Greed has become the NEW ACCEPTED PRACTICE as managers forsake any feelings of loyalty to those who gave them their GREAT OPPORTUNITIES. These Multi-National CorporateGreedists have ZERO CONCERN for the people of their NATION they are leaving behind - Only seeking FINANCIAL SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT under a WARPED MERITOCRACY that encourages RA-PE and PIL-LAGE like the VIKINGS!

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