Saturday, February 8, 2014

America is the Best Place to Flee to if You are Corrupt Chinese -- Max Keiser

As war on corruption mounts, China’s rich flee to America - The US grants far more green cards to wealthy Chinese as president Xi Jinping cracks down.If you have the right immigration lawyer and a pile of cash, its pretty easy actually to come to the US. If you don't have the pile of cash, you wait in line for years or decades and maybe win a lottery. If you have money, sure come right in! If you're a recent graduate who honestly just wants to work then you'd damn better well have your ducks all in a row.The thing is... 95% of these are corrupt officials. I doubt real political dissidents can afford translation fees. Besides the number of corrupt officials far outnumber dissidents. It's pretty screwed up.That's just what we need - more sociopathic entitled billionaires that don't think rules apply to rich people... We wouldn't want the precedence to be set that the wealthy can't just flee the destruction they leave behind, regardless of country of origin.

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