Monday, February 3, 2014

Alert ! Video the Military Does NOT Want You To See ! Drone Footage of IED Explosion !

the video surveillance probably wasn't checked until after the explosion. Our Lords and Masters want to consume trillions of terabytes of foreign and domestic data daily...but can't even put a billionth of that amount before the eyes of a single analyst to digest in real time. Malice? perhaps. but don't forget the Lords and Masters are plagued with large amounts of incompetence and ineptitude as well., an even like that is a needle in a haystack of terabytes of data. Most of London is still under the camera yet a lot of crimes there don't get solved for a few weeks because someone has to piece together the video feeds constantly and they can still miss a lot as it is happening. 

1 comment:

  1. Hate to say this, but, with all the cameras out is possible that the video was not being monitored and the clip was copied AFTER the fact. If the video was not being monitored, they they could not have issued a warning.
