Saturday, February 22, 2014

ALERT -- Obama Is Preparing the Military for Martial Law

$96 million spent on a fake town with real houses and yet a large portion of our vets are homeless....Wonder how the Federal gov would feel If we made a mock Washington DC to practice an armed revolt. Would they deem us terrorists. Should american deem The paying of Federal taxes as funding terrorism? What would IRS do if we sited the reason for not paying taxes Patriot act section 802 funding a known terrorist organization.

The thing they cannot train for is pissed off citizens firing on them and killing them from every conceivable direction.There aren't enough soldiers in the army to contain 100 to 200 million patriots. (I'll estimate that there are 100 million asswipe big government statists in this country who wouldn't fight Dear Leader instituting martial law.) There are about 500,000 active duty soldiers in the Army, 325,000 or so sailors in the Navy, etc... Its a fraction of what would be needed to control a population as large and as well armed as ours, even if you include the dumbass high school dropout local cops. This is a psy op to make us afraid. Don't be. They don't stand a chance against us if the Revolution comes. But it wont because they aren't stupid. They will keep the tyranny soft, and make sure there is electricity, food, and warm beds to sleep in. Keep the sheeple fed and warm and there will be no armed insurrection. Only when they take everything away will the sheeple have nothing to lose and finally fight.

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