Friday, February 21, 2014

ALERT -- NSA Insider Says DHS Purchased 6 Billion Bullets

Its only terrorism or illegal if someone other than the government does it. As long as its the government its ok. Just ask them, and if you don't like the answer they always have enough bullets right now to put 4-6 rounds in every man woman and child in this country.. Just in case you disagree with them.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead joins Pete for a discussion about the police state. By the end of this interview, the listener should have a very clear understanding that the only solution to our problems is militant, non-violent resistance.

16:00 min Mr. Whitehead states: ".... the policeman of the future is gonna be a robot..." Take a look at the US Government's ATLAS Robot which could likely show up at your front door some day.

18:00 min NSA agent told John Whitehead that the U.S. government has purchased 6 billion rounds - not 1.6 billion.

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