Monday, February 24, 2014

Alan Watt -- Democracy never existed

Very Cold and Snowy Winter - Mainstream Radio and TV News - Factions Fighting for Power - Fixed System of Britain - Time and Motion - RIIA/CFR/CIGI - Nations used by Private Business - Non-Democratic Authoritarian System - Sherpas and Free Trade Treaties - Dominant Minorities - Feudalism - Rise of the Intelligentsia - Communism - Rationalization - Obligations - Control over All Essentials - Egocentric Society - Human Capital - Weaponized Entertainment- Social Engineering - Information Overload - Thinking for Yourself - Contamination - Parallel Government - Scientific Dictatorship - Power Never Gives itself Up - Fabian Technique - Intergenerational Think-Tanks - Groups and Collective Mentality - Philosophers - Being an Individual - Use of Slogans and Repetition - Spy Networks - More Efficient Form of Slavery - Everyone is Minutely Studied - A Social Worker for Every Child - Conology - Perfect Conditioning - Drugged Society - "The Truth Shall Make You Free".

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