Sunday, February 2, 2014

911 Truth -- "Tallest Building Ever To Be Demolished This Way" (I Could Swear I've Seen Taller Ones...?)

let's demolish a "symbol of freedom" where have I seen that before? I  have seen a couple of taller buildings... and they sorta represented "freedom" as well... 

The New York one was a lot more "straight down" I guess because they used thermite instead of that dirty unpredictable TNT. Except in NYC, the upper floors went first & floor by floor, here the bottom floors collapsed enmasse, first. And there was plenty of "flying shit" when the WTC collapsed.  Whole blocks in nearby Chinatown were condemned after 9/11 (mostly tenements used as businesses; commercial buildings have a less strict building code to adhere to than residential buildings.)

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