Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why they invaded Lybia ~ Shocking Revelations: The Horrifying Truth About Libya

The "revolution" in Libya was anything but a popular uprising. The "protestors" that overthrew Moammar Gadaffi were in fact al-Qaeda terrorists that had been unleashed on the country by the CIA under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama, and I prove this in this latest episode of The Truth Is Viral.

Even more shockingly, you will hear an exclusive TTiV interview with a NATO spokesman who states, for the record, that the reason Obama had given for intervening in Libya was an utter lie. Obama had claimed that Gadaffi was about to use chemical weapons on the "protestors," when in fact he had been dispossessed of any WMD capability as early as 2003. NATO not only knew this, they were the ones who had been helping Gadaffi get rid of those weapons.

Barack Obama, however, is not one to let a few facts get in his way when it comes to implementing whatever evil agenda he wishes. Under orders from a cabal of international bankers Obama, who has been doing whatever he can to support radical Islamists across the Middle East, the CIA trained and equipped al-Qaeda terrorists and set them on a path of revolution that ended with a new Libyan Central Bank and the black flag of al-Qaeda flying over the Benghazi courthouse.

Assisted by NATO forces and Qatari Army Soldiers, and supplied with weapons by the Qataris, these al-Qaeda terrorists succeeded in removing the Libyan leader from power before brutally murdering him.

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