Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Root of all Problems ~ Psychopaths Rule our World

Evil psychopaths of the worst kind.  What goes around comes around, they'll get their just deserts soon enough and will be exposed for the monsters they are.

I'm not sure if they get off on what they do to the humans "sexually" though. There is no doubt they enjoy it, but I'm not sure you would call it "sexual", although it has very similar attributes. I think their time of doing all this "in the open" will backfire on them soon. The world is watching and taking note of everything they do. Back in the day, people only had newspapers and TV as a source of news and information, which as we know has been controlled by them since shortly after the Federal Reserve Act. So all information went through a globalist filter before reaching the masses. NOW, we have the internet and the WORLD is seeing what they really are, and how they are backed by the US and Britain. So their days of impunity are numbered. The problem is waking up enough sheep before it's too late.

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