Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Occult Agenda For 2014 -- Obama's 3rd Term

Hagmann & Hagmann 2014 - Michael Erevna

Obama isn't the problem, the shadow government is. Whether left or right, they are those in control are the problem.Obama is just doing exactly what the elite want him to do. He is following the agenda perfectly and doing his "job" quite well.The only job of the president is to take the blame for all the ills government causes us, while they funnel 95% of all wealth creation to the 1%, that is his only purpose, a fall guy, a shmuck, a I can do whatever I want I have a pen and a phone to rob and persecute you. Bush was a puppet for the globalists too. So was every president since Kennedy, and we see what happened to him don't we...

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