Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The IRS -- Government-Sanctioned Theft

 Freedom is the right to do what is right under the law of God without government interference or mandates.

The truth is, government only taxes us to keep our purchasing power at its minimum, and to retrieve bundles of it's inflation dollars from circulation. They can print and borrow and create money without limit, they don't need our tax "money" anymore. Read the works of Merrill Jenkins and Bruce McCarthy. when we understand this reality, and we get others to see it, then we we will be equipped to do something about it.
When our nation's founders pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" for the cause of freedom, the average citizen was paying less than 3% of their income in taxes. Today, when you add up ALL the taxes we pay - directly or indirectly - the average American works for the government for just about half the year. In other words: we are paying about 50% of our total income in taxes.

Our founders would have called for a second American revolution before it ever got half this bad. What is wrong with us?

Wake up America! No country has survived long once the people became this dependent and subservient to the government.

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