Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Hidden Meaning of New Year and January 1st

here are many holidays we celebrate across the world and especially here in America that very few people truly understand. Today, January 1st is one of those holidays many people think is just about partying and bringing in the New Year with some new resolutions that they never keep. But in reality, this day has a deeper meaning you are probably unaware of.

The name of the month January is derived from the two-faced god with the Latin name of Janus. The reason he has two faces is because one face looks back into the past, and the other face forward to the future. This is essentially what happens right at New Years Eve when you countdown to midnight which is the ending of one year and the beginning of a brand new year filled with new hopes and dreams. A time to put an end to the past year which is now old and begin fresh with a new year.

To the ancient pagans and Greeks, he was their custodian of the key to the Temple of Wisdom. Plutarch had written; -For this Janus, in the most remote antiquity, whether a demi-god or a king, being remarkable for his political abilities, and his cultivation of society, reclaimed men from their rude and savage manners; he is therefore represented with two faces, as having altered the former state of the world, and given quite a new turn to life.-

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