Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights

The economies of the world are in a deep recession boarding on a depression. The Governments of the world are now scrambling to get the money from the people. Martin Armstrong is warning the European people that the Eurozone is coming for their money. The Government is pushing gun confiscation and implementing more gun control laws. The rights of the people are slowly being stripped away from the people right in front of their faces and they don't realize it. The US government is demonizing China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria, all countries that do not have a private western central bank and do not trade their natural resources using the dollar.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, relax there will be no WW3 for satan will be cast to earth soon claiming to be Jesus then healing the Deadly Wound of the beast that one world stystem that will not come to be til that wound is healed satans only going to be here for a short time n he'll be very convincing playing the role of Jesus and as it reads in Rev 13:3 all wonder n worship the dragon.....need find Gods Truth visit Shepherds Chapel n Hear Pastor Murray if Father has given you eyes to see n ears to hear..your choice..
