Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday January 30 2014: News, Jakari & Calls

On the Thursday, January 30 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down how immigration reform could spell disaster for the Republican party, as the nation prepares itself for yet another distracting sports spectacle. Alex continues crashing through the lies and disinformation presented in Obama's SOTU, and looks at how the Federal Reserve manipulates financial markets in real time at their whim. On today's show, Alex also reviews Attorney General Eric Holder's inability to cite the constitutional basis for Obama's executive orders, and examines the hypocritical vitriol casually spewed from MSNBC's Twitter feed. He'll also cover the relentless assault on gun owners and the Bill of Rights and increased tensions between the U.S. and China.

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