Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The 9/11 First Responders Betrayed By The Government

First responders after 9/11 have since been diagnosed with cancers which up until now have not been recognised by the federal government. Over ten years of emotional lobbying to make cancer eligible for treatment and payments and their fight is finally gaining recognition.

"You lied to us, you told us the air was good, we did what we were supposed to do believing that our country was on our side". After 9/11, responders faced toxic exposures known to be relating to cancer. Often with no masks they faced clouds, smoke and debris in order to clear Ground Zero. Despite evidence proving cancers spread amongst the 9/11 community, it has remained unrecognised by the federal government. Only after 10 years of suffering have they started making breakthroughs: "They did the right thing, it's now time for our government and society to do the right thing".

Matteo Brunetta - Ref 6008

1 comment:

  1. Why do some who have a toxic/chemical ; exposures get cancer and others just suffer other lung, etc disease? This was a perfect opprotunity for medical study for better treatments. What many 'forget' is the other s, some studies say as many as 2 million, who breathed the same toxic air in NYC ..
    Plus the backlash against the other almost a million, at the time, in the USA , who were/are being treated for some kind of similar exposures in other incidents. I noticed the gov health programs gradually taking away coverage and treatments which had worked successfully for many years already. Its been a struggle to maintain treatments. One of which is liquid oxygen as soon as one suffers such a respiratory injury to prevent further injury to rest of body organs. Linda Joy Adams one of the other million left abandoned after 9/11/01 injured 1/10/89 with an established Federal workers comp claimm 02-0600326 with permanent medicial but, now, now ACS=Xerx Fed contractor wont post my file and pay the claims in defiance of judges orders obtained to do so. afer they took over soon after 9/11/01. So who is doing this? Govt officials or unaccountable govt contractors who have other agendas? to protect the liability industry? More on line as to how bad it has become for all of us whom FDA says does not exist and excludes from clinical trials on meds and few of those that really safe and worked are left. FDA advocates ozone emitting oxygen concentrators as treatment which can be life threatening for one such as I.
