Saturday, January 4, 2014

Senator Rand Paul Annouces Lawsuit Against Obama Over NSA Spying - Hannity

One senator cannot bring down this incredible evil that has taken over. And you can bet before the NSA started spying on millions of innocent Americans , they had collected life long data on the 535 elected Senators and Congressmen , and any top laws firms in the country that might be able to put up a good fight, and its for those reasons alone , The NSA must be reeled in , and mass surveillance shutdown , they can take and twist data on anyone of us , claim national secrecy , and say we are guilty something we did not do , and all you Americans out there that don't think they will do just that when they need to , that's what Hitler did with those same powers when fully operational and uncontested.
America is not a great country right now , its being led by criminals in our government and traitors that want to crush our constitutional rights and sovereign citizenship to turn us into slaves that need their security.

US citizens > US military. Hence Rothschild and co. built the TSA, NSA and other agencies to disguise their banker-led takeover. But they do fear an awake and angry populace; ie educating others of their tyranny is the first step to eventually hunting down and eliminating their defunct inbred genes from our gene pool. The largest army ever in the history of mankind are the gun owners of America I'm not in favor of violence anyway, but I agree. If at least 10% of American people were to fight ...That means 30millions of people shooting.No "Call To Arms" = Nothing to stop these federal criminals of the highest order from destroying Our Beloved Republic.


  1. haha, I love it. Join Mr. Paul in a lawsuit for protecting your privacy by communicating with him on the issue on Facebook!

    You really can't make this shit up.

    1. Dead right, but you have to start somewhere! And if you've been on Facebook you have already been spied on so what the heck. Time to see if he will walk the walk, at least he is trying.
