Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Satanists Unveil 7-Foot Baphomet Statue For City's Capitol

The Antichrist is already alive and the spirit has been on earth for thousands of years and now lies within the Illuminati the media and the government. And the antichrist is already in power without needing to rise and can take you out and deceive these fools at any moment they choose. Read your bible and you can see that revelations is there to deceive delusional Christians that they don't have to worry about anything cause the antichrist diddint rise to power yet when in reality you learned your whole life to trust the antichrist and to whole heartedly have faith in the antichrist and putting your kid in the the antichrist school system. The biggest trick of the "devil(antichrist) is fooling the world into thinking he does not exist" ...... YET. When the antichrist is actually alive and in power right now 

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