Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power

Time to look behind the curtain.

These traitors have achieved a power that Hitler Stalin or Mao, and all their Associates could never even dream of! The Machine is IN PLACE, and Operating! Do you think it will stop, when the Traitors are in control of it??? It will NEVER stop, unless it is burned out, cauterized like an infected wound! I know a lot are hoping that somehow this can be reversed, but I know in my heart, that it will NOT.. Too many are feeding on the cancer now.. And they won't let go without a Fight, a REAL FIGHT! I wish it wasn't so, but the picture is pretty clear for those with the guts to face it.. Scary looking at it, because I see my own death at their hands! I have no illusions of escaping this, the Machine was meant to destroy people like me! And I can hear the gears spoolin up!

1 comment:

  1. They control with flouride water, chemtrailed poison air, gmo poisoned food n news of BS they want us to hear
