Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PROPHETIC UPDATE 1-28-14 -- The Economic Storm is picking up Steam

The Economic Storm is picking up Steam, Is a "Mega Default" coming in 3 Days?, Christian Singer Natalie Grant Walks Out on Grammys After 'Satanic' Performances, N.Y.'s Data Collection Program Tracks Students From Preschool to Career, Earth's magnetic field is collapsing and it could affect the climate and wipe out power grids, A Dangerous New Form Of Heroin Is Spreading Across America, Obama to unleash Executive Orders, Now bank decides IF you can have your money, College counselors, substitute teachers across Illinois seeing pay slashed in half due to Obamacare, Humanist Association Threatens Illinois School with Lawsuit in Effort to End Graduation Prayer, Western residents face threat of water rationing as feds reduce water flow, Disney introduces it's first "Lesbian" Couple on Kids Show, China halts poultry trading after H7N9 cases spike, South Korea on alert after avian flu outbreak, Russian Bank Halts All Cash Withdrawals, Scientist warn of "Big Quake" that could devastate Los Angeles in the future, Demon Possession reported in Indianapolis Home witnessed by multiple people. Catch all the Latest News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective

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