Friday, January 3, 2014

Petrodollar Scam Breaking Down ~ Brother Nathanael

Petrodollar Scam Breaking Down ~ Brother Nathanael

The Petrodollar & War machine.
Ever wondered what the Petrodollar is?
Ever wondered why we invaded Iraq?
Ever wondered why we 'helped' the people in Libya but not Syria?
Ever wondered why we are building up to a war in Iran?

Most people would answer "oil" to the last 3 questions.
But why invade their countries for oil if they where/are selling the oil to us in the first place at standard market rates?

Brother Nathanael goes into detail of why the petrodollar is so important to the USA and why a war with Iran is a foregone conclusion.
Iran also has had it's nuclear program running from the 1950's,only now does the USA see it as a 'problem'.Why is that?

ANY gold backed currency anywhere on Earth would be both a threat to the Euro and US Dollar.

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