Friday, January 17, 2014

ObamaCare is NoCare for We The Peasants

All part of the plan, bankrupt America, collapse the economy, martial law, new world order, collapse the system, settle out the clams with insurance companies and force everyone into single payer. That's the game plan. Much like in the UK, the elites will have one system and the peasants another. Guess which one you're getting....

The Queen of England is coming to take her Country back. She said something about owning U.S. Citizens by Birth Certificate since it is on a BANK NOTE, and it is a MUTUAL FUND on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. She also said something about how ENGLAND took back U.S.A. in 1871 with the ACT OF 1871 when DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA incorporated the Constitution for the United States of America now called CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION. 14th Amendment makes you a CORPORATION by law with your ALL CAPS NAME. 15th Amendment allows a CORPORATION to VOTE, and the 16th Amendment TAXES CORPORATIONS AKA U.S. Citizens. How does it feel to know how WE THE PEOPLE have been screwed by CON ARTISTS??????

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