Thursday, January 16, 2014

Obama Officially Becoming a Dictator - Alex Jones

Americans have been Zombiefied. All the distractions were put in place for a reason. To keep everyone's focus away from what really matters. The criminal in black robes across the country on the benches and the criminal fraudulent indoctrination centers you all call schools are the real problem.... Besides the entire criminality and lie of the District of Criminals, and the FED/IRS fraud is the real problem in America.....

The Amerikan Police State is out of control, irrefutable and incontestable, The Divided Stasi States of Amerika militarized-prison-industrial-police-state-complex is lucrative, big corporatized business in the U.S.. The Puritanical have become the "Pure Tyrannical" in just about 225 years. We the People are only about %5-%6 of the world's population. Is this the country we seek to leave to our grandchildren and as yet untold generations of Americans? Given the paradigms of tyranny imposed since only 09/11/01,…we may not have a county by 01/20/2017 (i.e., the next U.S. Presidential inaugural). The Obamination of Desolation and the Bush bin Bandar-Laden Regimes have destroyed our (once great) nation.

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