Monday, January 6, 2014

NSA Is Spying On ALL Members Of Congress! Says Senator Bernie Sanders

It isn't the creation of NSA spying that is important! It is the abuse of! When criminal politicians with no moral, no dignity, and no integrity, get their hands on powerful information gathering like this, it is misused. Much like Clinton corrupted the White House when he was there. Obama another Corrupt Godless person also uses this information to build his empire and ego. The National Liberal Media kept a close eye on Republicans. They kept the public enraged over simple telephone calls. All the time screaming, privacy, privacy, privacy! But the Liberal National Media are now co conspirators with Obama. Actually hide details about the criminals in the White house to protect them. The Lap Dog, Liberal National Media, are whores for Obama and his criminal gang. Throw out lying Democrats, boycott National Media.

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