Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nigel Farage - Greece is Now a No Democracy

Great speech, pity less than 1% of the British public will see it. Yet the TV channels will show endless crap being spouted by Lab/Con and the other non entities. Don't trust Cameron, remember Brown too promised a referendum, on Lisbon..  isn't it typical of politicians to say they are acting on behalf of the people although none of the people were asked their opinion.. Nigel Farage is amazing dosen t pull any punches and dare I say it finally a politician who we can believe in 


  1. This bloke should be Prime minister, love the way he can tell us how it really is. Pity his and all our Governments are now in the hands of Banksters and are corrupt no longer serving the people but their masters. Vote 1 UKIP.

  2. You blokes least have Nigel, we here in the states have no one only a gay pupet n evil pulling his strings
