Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New World Order False Flag And WW3 Imminent

How can we, as individuals, "fight" the globalists?
Simple. Find ALTERNATIVES to EVERYTHING they've got in place, to try to control you. PRINT THIS UP! TAKE ACTION! SPREAD THE WORD!
1) Quit your TBTF (“Too-Big-To-Fail”) Banking/Corporate or government job.
2) Stay away from the military. Why be cannon-fodder for THEIR N.W.O.?
3) Bank at a local credit union! Why bank at a TBTF (“Too-Big-To-Fail”)
Bank, such as those that received a CRONY BANKER BAILOUT (from the
“Fed”) in late 2008, which Obama authorized with his signature?
4) Get out, and/or stay out, of DEBT!
5) USE CASH (or personal checks) AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Avoid credit and debit cards.
6) VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS! (What do you support, with your time, money, energy, and attention?) THIS IS KEY!
7) Trade your FRN’s for SILVER BULLION. Silver is currently the most
affordable (undervalued), and heavily-suppressed commodity available,
and along with gold, has been used as REAL MONEY, for thousands of
years. Silver also is used in industrial applications, while gold is
not. Most historically-mined gold, remains above ground. In relatively
recent history, most historically-mined silver has been used up. It’s
supply, still-in-the-ground, is finite, and is projected to run out.
I’m sure it’s used in weapons systems. “In debt and death – they –
trust”. Need I say more?
8) CUT BACK ON OIL AND GAS CONSUMPTION! (Many oil companies are owned by Central Bankers)
9) Buy USED, locally, or online, if necessary, such as on etsy.com. Buy
from etsy.com sellers who ship within the U.S. It keeps your $$ in
either the local economy, or the larger U.S. economy.
10)Buy MADE IN USA, when buying NEW items, if you want jobs to return to the US. (If Americans begin buying MADE IN USA ONLY, guess where manufacturing jobs will move to?)
11)Buy ORGANIC food! Support your local Organic food store or Co-op! Whole,
organically-grown foods are best. LOCALLY-sourced, is ideal. Support the
true HEROES of organic food production (on the right side, of the
following poster: http://www.cornucopia.org/wp-c...
12)Take a high-quality daily multi-vitamin (such as Carlson’s, NOW brand, Stop Aging Now (SAN), or Mercola.com)
13)Contact your Representatives on critical issues: such as “END THE
FED!” (I would ONLY contact them on this ONE issue. Otherwise, IGNORE
the politicians. They don’t represent you, and haven’t for a LONG, LONG
14)Re-read the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t about
hunting! It’s about government tyranny, and protecting yourself from it.
15)THINK for yourself. TURN OFF the IDIOT-BOX (the TV), OR THROW IT
16)Read a book. Like, TRAGEDY AND HOPE, by Carrol Quigley, or THE
CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND, by G. Edward Griffin, or THE GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY, AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, or TOTALITARIA: What If the Enemy IS the State?, by Ian Wishart.
17)Question the KLEPTOCRACY. QUESTION all ‘authority’ (Big Business +
Big Government, Big Religion, Big Media, Big Agribiz (Monsanto), Big
Pharma, etc). Question EVERYTHING. And, FOLLOW THE MONEY!
18)Pray or meditate – reduce your stress! (Stress weakens the auto-immune system, opening up the body to free radical attack).
19)Listen to soothing classical, jazz, ambient or other music you thoroughly enjoy!
20)BOYCOTT – learn this concept well, and EMPLOY IT – against those 1) enslaving, or 2) poisoning you!
There, now you have 20 (TWENTY) individual SOLUTIONS, that you or anyone, can begin using TODAY!

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