Friday, January 10, 2014

Milton Friedman - Politics and Regulation

The Greatest Economist The World Has Ever Known!Friedman's words are almost prophetic. If more people only understood today, what he said back then... maybe an ideologue like Obama would never have been elected; and America wouldn't be on the brink of economic ruin right now.

Friedman---1977 speech--explains the Tea Party view--make government as small as possible. If you really look at why the people at the bottom STAY at the bottom is because the system is self-reinforcing to keep them there. Much of it is because of corporate welfare. This is what Friedman describes fairly eloquently. He does give props to AFDC to shift the balance of inequality to benefit the next generation of poor people a chance to succeed (this is of course the program that was dismantled in favor of workfare after Friedman gave this speech!!

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