Saturday, January 25, 2014

JP Morgan hates Bitcoin -- Bill Still reporting from Davos 2014

Escalating tensions between Japan & China. Branson loves Bitcoin, JP Morgan hates it

I hope! I see non compliance as a way with protesting the lawlessness of the corrupt fed govt!take back the states powers who were never supposed to be under fed laws, the fed govt was supposed to protect our civil liberties not take them from us.the system is broken we need to abolish this corrupt fed govt and start anew one with the constitution and the bill of rights restored as the law of the land not all these corrupt unconstitutional executive orders, restore Glass-steagall act and end the fed reserve would be a good start!


  1. The bitcon game goes on, makes sense the bankers are big players. A fool n his money are soon departed put that in your pea brain lol.

  2. No. JP Morgan LOVES bitcoin. This is all for a one world currency.
