Thursday, January 16, 2014

John McAfee new Crusade Against The NSA

People need privacy .studies on the effects of the human mind when there is no privacy is well documented:it causes severe personality disorders.theres technology that mcafee cant block with his programs:quantum computer brain interfaces.the NSA doesn't just read your email,they read your thoughts.they can hear thru your ears & see thru your eyes with secret technology .

John McAfee is fully awake from the NWO and I hope it goes well for his new invention which we all need to have for privacy. 
Cause the NSA is installing FIRMWARE at the factory level on all routers per their own documents. People dont understand that means EVERY packet can be inspected and if its not encrypted traffic then they have it..all of it..Every Porn image, every email, every torrent to blackmail you with...Solution : Use a Tor service on a VM and layer on a VPN/Proxy service and your ok. Sad thing is its not that technical, but beyond the average persons ability.

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