Tuesday, January 7, 2014

James Turk ~ No Economic Recovery in 2014

Kitco News speaks with author James Turk about gold, silver, the U.S. dollar and his latest book The Money Bubble. Turk says that in 2014 people need to keep a close eye on these three factors: the Federal Reserve balance sheet, the 10-year T-bill rate and the gold-to-silver ratio. "I don't really see an economic recovery in the U.S.," Turk says. "I do expect a collapse of the American currency." He says that as central bankers continue to print money, currencies continue to be debased and this may cause a currency collapse. "As long as central banks continue to print, and I see no indication they're going to stop, you're going to see a higher gold price," Turk says. "Whether you see it this year or next year is not the relevance thing, it is whether or not you own enough physical metal to protect yourself when currencies do collapse." Tune in now to learn more about his latest book and where he expects to see the price of gold and silver. Kitco News, January 7, 2014.

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