Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Global Warming Causing Polar Vortex !? ~ Bill Still

Still Report #159 - Polar Vortex East coast of the United States shivering under global warming.

I was wondering if anybody else noticed the name change. That means no matter what the weather does it will be true. Winter turns to spring... The climate changed!i laughed when i first started to hear the move to climate change. im waiting to hear that this extreme cold we have right now is evidence of climate change. global warming painted them into a corner, but with the term climate change, any and all deviations from blue sky and average temps can be considered bad.

1 comment:

  1. It is out of control, the lies by these "climate warmers" and their paid scientists it is for one reason only and that is to destroy what is left of the manufacturing and punish the people with punitive taxes. Al Gore should be tried for crimes against humanity, in Australia we have a Carbon tax and it is slowly killing this country and electricity prices have skyrocketed. The new Government is trying to remove this tax but there must be some pretty big players calling the shots as they are getting no where. It is a scam of the highest order do not let Obama enact this. Why should you pay a tax so Al Gore and his bankster mates get paid for selling permits on a gas that sustains life on this planet! These people do not care about you I heard Obama say " He expects the price of electricity to skyrocket" and that is exactly what has happened hear in Australia you cannot keep up. Stop these "Globalist" bastards now they are not Politicians they are Mafia banksters trying to fuck us all over.
