Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gerald Celente -- The Bankers Traitors Of America!

"JP Morgan Chase penalized $2.6 billon over connections to Madoff, the "robber barons" of today & how little the New York Times cares for the "Names of the Dead". Why get upset!?"

1 comment:

  1. the main problem in america is that Americans I think do not really understand their own revolution, constitution and bill of rights. somehow the trend is to believe on a Roman empire call america, we Americans benefit from it, we oppress south america , the ME the world itself, however when there is a war is you and soldiers, the masses that die not the elites, unless they are assassinated by other ill guided elites. to understand what america is you must understand the st Johns bible manipulation, the link between Britain and France before and after the american revolution, the real intend of the wises, of that time, and you must stop competing degrading and killing each others. otherwise there is no hope in sight.
