Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fabian Calvo: Next Real Estate Collapse Will Make 2008 Look Like a Dress Rehearsal!

Fabian Calvo from TheNoteHouse.us says, "This next collapse will make 2008 look like a dress rehearsal for the really big multi-bubble collapse we will be seeing. Calvo's company buys and sells $100 million in distressed real estate debt a year. Calvo, who does business with millionaires and billion dollar hedge funds, says, "A year ago, a third of the room would say buying gold and silver was just kind of crazy. Today, you have half of the room investing much more than 10 or 15% of their portfolio into physical gold and silver. To me, that is a big signal."

Is there any good news? Calvo says, "There's going to be spectacular sales, spectacular deals, way more than you saw back in 2008." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with real estate expert Fabian Calvo.

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