Saturday, January 4, 2014

Evolution & The Illuminati ~ If We Come From Monkeys, Why Are There Still Monkeys?

If We Come From Monkeys, Why Are There Still Monkeys? (Evolution & the Illuminati)) . Let's take a look at Darwin, Evolution, and connections to Nazis and The New World Order (Illuminati).

Combine the confusing and demonic teachings of Darwin with what people are seeing in the skies calling aliens from outer space (sci/Fi) and you've got a bunch of mislead fools who didn't listen to their grandparents bible messages.

1 comment:

  1. hey nice post meh. I like your style of writing. The way you writes reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog titled How Are You Spending Your Remaining Days? .
    keep up the good work.

