Sunday, January 12, 2014

Elite Agenda To Control The Masses Is In Full Force. The End Of Freedom & Privacy

Reading through the 381,517 words of the Obamacare bill, American Thinker's Stella Paul discovered something overlooked in the ongoing discussion about the law — it discourages freedom of travel.

According to Stella Paul, Obamacare will indirectly impose limitations on travel. "Americans are among the most mobile people on earth, but ObamaCare may soon start freezing them in place," she writes. "Millions are losing their health insurance policies and being forced onto the ObamaCare exchanges, where most plans only provide local medical coverage." Millions of Americans "will have their insurance as a consideration for their mobility, which they never had before."

A control freak global ruling elite, viscerally opposed to the idea of human liberty, is working behind the scenes to shut down human mobility. They are exploiting the debunked theory of anthropogenic climate change in an effort to radically modify human behavior and thus curtail individual rights as a part of their eugenics agenda. "Your energy consumption will be controlled until you can't farm, can't manufacture, can't travel, can't fish, can't use your land," writes Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21.

Dutch researcher Jurriaan Maessen cites a report issued by the European Commission and World Wildlife Fund spelling out how the Agenda 21 sustainability plan will be used to eliminate the freedom of movement. By 2050, the authors predict, "Europeans are forced to adopt green lifestyle habits — for example, via bans on non-essential individual long distance travel. By this stage, air travel has long been too expensive for the majority of people. The state controls or heavily influences all available channels of education, media and marketing to spread this message to continually reinforce its adoption and mould perceptions of sustainability."

Agenda 21 is not a crackpot conspiracy theory, as the establishment would have you believe. "Presidents George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, through Executive Orders, have signed onto Agenda 21," writes Karen Sweetland. "Hundreds more governors, mayors, and county commissioners have also signed on. There presently are over 600 cities, counties and states in America signed on to Agenda 21... 179 countries, including the United States, initially signed on to the Agenda in 1992. Many more have joined since then."

The mobility discouraging aspects of Obamacare add to overall sustainability policies mandated on several governmental levels, including the United Nations, and as mentioned above, by federal, state local government in the United States.

Wow, this is straight up insane propaganda at the highest level. He is not even trying to hide the message. CNN's Jake Tapper just comes out and says it: I think the American people, honestly, want security over freedom

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
- Benjamin Franklin

How is it that the government can charge Edward Snowden with espionage for telling a journalist that the feds have been spying on all Americans and many of our allies, but the NSA itself, in a public relations campaign intended to win support for its lawlessness, can reveal secrets and do so with impunity? That question goes to the heart of the rule of law in a free society.

Since Snowden's June 6th revelations about massive NSA spying, we have learned that all Americans who communicate via telephone or the Internet (who doesn't?) have had all of their communications swept up by the federal government for two-plus years. Now we know that the NSA has captured and stored the content of trillions of telephone conversations, texts and emails, and can access that content at the press of a few computer keys. All of this happened in the dark, with the permission of President Obama, with the knowledge and consent of fewer than 20 members of Congress

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