Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Edgar Cayce's Seven Prophecies to Come

Edgar Cayce gave many readings and some of his predictions have come true
Here are seven which haven't, yet
He predicts a rise in consciousness and land rising in the Pacific as well as the Atlantic and the flooding of New York and the coasts of the Southeastern portion of the USA
He makes predictions for Canada and the Midwest too
The Great Lakes will empty, directly into the Gulf of Mexico
That means that the seas will rise, significantly
If the South Pole snow and ice melt, that two mile thick sheet of fresh water could cause sea levels to rise 600 feet and that's what is needed to have the Great Lakes empty directly into the Gulf of Mexico
A pole shift would cause the South Pole to be warm again and that means melting of the snow and ice
The Zetas are predicting a pole shift and say we are 7 out of 10 or 70% of the way there
Don't worry, though, because mankind will not become extinct
There are many underground bunkers for the elite and when mankind rebounds, it will be only be the genes of the beautiful people, not riff raff, like you and me
We paid for the DUMBs, but we don't get to use them
Only the elite have the right to live
We will have to fend for ourselves, on the surface, without food, water or electricity


  1. Well heres my prediction for 2014,, since 20 in Bible numerics stands for redemption n 14 stands for deliverance or salvation I say this year may see satan appearing in Jerusalem tho he'll claim to be Jesus when hes cast from Heaven to earth Rev.12:6-9......during the season of the locust may-september

  2. Then our Lord Jesus Christ returns at the 7th Trump don't worry when our Real Lord Jesus returns we'll be back in our spiritual bodies in the twinkling of n eye....

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