Monday, January 27, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- THE GREAT AMERICAN DOWNGRADE

The Fed is so focused on interest rates in the US because if interest rates start to gallop higher it’s going to crash the already fragile economy. But the bigger reason is the massive US debt. The debt is already crushing as we know, but if interest rates were to jump from where they are now to, say, 10%, this would collapse the US. This would also trigger a crisis for the entire world. The United States is a nation in decline. The other side of that coin is China and India are in ascendancy. That’s just the way it is. I feel bad for so many people in the US because their hopes, their dreams, they are literally being destroyed. This has created a ‘lost generation.’ Let’s just hope this tragic situation doesn’t turn into ‘lost generations,’ because that would mean a long depression, and a lot of more suffering.” “Eventually America is going to look like a lot of South American countries, where most Americans will be living a second world lifestyle. Services have already been cut in the United States and these cuts will only accelerate in the future. Also, infrastructure is rapidly falling apart. When you see things like the Chinese sending probes to the moon, China moving to dominate the Pacific theater, and some of the American generals warning that America is losing its supremacy, this is what’s really happening right now. America is a very indebted nation and it cannot afford its empire anymore.

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