Friday, January 24, 2014


The Hawk On The Survive To Thrive Broadcast via 01/24/2014

The super rich have so much printed money (debt) so far ahead of productivity, ........ so fast, and made themselves rich, that they sucked the producing class dry. Now the producing class cannot support the debt payments that hold up the system, that keep the super rich, rich !
So the super rich have responded by , increasing taxes, forcing increased productivity, lowering wages, cutting services, cutting pensions, sending jobs to low wages areas of the world, and sending the spread to debt service to hold up the system.
Now we the people of the planet can no longer support the debt payments levied upon us, so the rich are sending out the men in the helmets, and uniforms, with clubs to beat us into submission..
Result; poverty for us, vast wealth for them, and riots in the streets.

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