Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Daniel Estulin -- Transhumanism the Goal of NWO

 Veteran Bilderberg investigator and author Daniel Estulin joins Alex on the Radio transmission to discuss the dangers of transhumanism and the elite's drive for total control. The elite are a predatory group that has infested mankind since the beginning of civilization. The culmination of all of that evil and power is being realized through transhumanism.

Transhumanism: The Goal of The Global Elite With Transhumanism Expert Daniel Estulin Veteran Bilderberg investigator and author Daniel Estulin joins Alex to discuss the dangers of transhumanism and the elite's drive for total control.

The "Transition" they speak of is nothing short of raising Cthulhu to the stars. They will divide the world into 10 kingdoms, where the 11 is the Abyss of cyberspace. Chtulhu, your new god. Artificial Intelligence will bring the whole system alive.

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