Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe ~ Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson is a professional designer and builder, student of Sacred Geometry and a long time Freemason. Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He returns to discuss Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity, the connection to cyclical catastrophe and the onset of ice ages and warming periods in Earth's history. We'll discuss comets and panspermia. In the second hour, we speak more about grail symbolism and the mysterious red rain that came down over Kerala in India in 2001. We also talk about alchemical art and the plagues of Egypt as environmental catastrophic events. Later, Randall discusses "carbon madness" and the global warming hysteria from a perspective of larger long-term climactic cycles. We briefly touch upon free market environmentalism and other options that do not entail more government control but encourages environmental responsibility.

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