Friday, January 10, 2014

Communist Chinese Manchurian President Barack Obama

First he sets up a Wall Street govt and bails them out. Then Obamacare which is a total disaster.Obama's plan from day one was to destroy America from within,And it seems to be going well for him.Obama is on a mission,And he will never be stopped,Because the American people are scared of him, 97 million Americans are unemployed...47% of Americans pay no income tax.... Manchurian for sure/ Grown up for the position since child/ Cousin of Bush, Cheney and Kerry/ Born a British National and friend to all forms of totalitarianism/ End goal is to lead as satan himself / That is the word / The US Military needs to go to the head of the snake/ Committee of 300, Council of 13 and so forth take that out everything else trickles down and falls apart .COMMUNIST CHINESE PRESIDENT OBAMA - HE HAS TO BE REMOVED !

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