Friday, January 3, 2014

Catastrophic Climate Change On The Way

Geeky Science - Catastrophic Climate Change On The Way
Scientist out of The U.N. just announced that they were dead wrong on there global warming models and tried to hide it
People global warming is not man made . Communist party's like the U.N. us it as a way to control people and to take money from you in the form of taxes and to strip you of your rights that come from GOD alone . Stop this insanity there is more ice in the Arctic than before stop being a slave to these dictators


  1. bull shit these voodoo scientists cannot even tell us what the weather will be like next week never mind in 90 years time!

  2. My you sound like a stupid fool .that is reading talking point.Mybe you should look at the chem trails in all the G20 countries.So you can now start your dibbling.
