Thursday, January 16, 2014

BREAKING: Scandal involving Israel Police, FBI , U.S. Congressmen NY & IL, and A Rabbi

 BREAKING: NSA Blackmail, Bribes, Involving Congressmen NY & IL, Israel Police and A Rabbi

Michael Grimm, Ofer Biton, FBI, Illegal Campaign Contributions, Michael-Grimm-Fundraising, New York News, Ofer-Biton-Michael-Grimm, Rabbi-Yoshiyahu-Yosef-Pinto, New York News

...I must be reaching my Max-Limit on how much I can take, as to how stupid Republicans have been in the last few years, (and especially in the last few months with the RNC Inferno and all that came before or during..) my first reaction reading this was to burst out laughing.....

Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a name for it?

Republican Absurdity Overload?

Obvious, dumb if they have no screening process, like the money coming in is cash in a bucket, and going back out to people who have no idea how best to use it.
 Seriously, compared to this guy Sarah Palin in an intellectual genius.

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