Tuesday, January 21, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Santos Bonacci Arrested & Jailed

Santos Bonacci Arrested and in Custody

BREAKING NEWS: Santos Bonacci Arrested and in Custody. ...claiming to be a free man, and all those "sovereign citizen" terms like that... if he is claiming to be a free man, or other concept, designed by the same government, selling such concepts, he is sub scribing to their jurisdiction, and they are required then to protect him under the laws of infants.
In Early Feudal Law A benefice; a permanent stipendiary estate; the same with what was afterwards called a "fief," "feud," or "fee." 3 Steph.Comm. 77, note i; Spelman. It originally meant a "benefaction" from the king, usually to a noble. In the Civil Law A benefit or favor; any particular privilege. Dig. 1, 4, 3; Cod. 7, 71; Mackeld.Rom.Law, I 196. A general term applied to ecclesiastical livings. 4 Bl.Comm. 107; Cowell. In General —Beneflcium abstinendi. In Roman law. The power of an heir to abstain from accepting the inheritance. Sandars, Just.Inst. (5th Ed.) 214.

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