Saturday, January 11, 2014

Barack Obama Gun control NSA worldwide people control last days news ~ January 11 2014

January 11 2014 Barack Obama Gun control people control last days final hour news prophecy update

January 3 2014 New York Time - Obama Announces Gun Control Actions and last year Barack Obama vowed to take whatever steps his administration could through executive action. He later issued 25 executive orders intended to tighten the rules for gun ownership

January 9 2014 President Obama has announced two executive orders on background checks in just the last week. Using mental health reform a new avenue for gun control measures

January 4 2014 President Barack Obama said last year he would begin using executive authority to tighten firearms regulation

December 2014 Huffington Post NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show

1 comment:

  1. Hey Barry just wants to make it better for the gay community when your a gay blade you do what your told
