Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 The Future of The America and The Word ~ Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire analysis of the future of America and the world in 2014 author of A Prophecy of the Future of America

Paul McGuire : I believe A Prophecy of the Future of America has a very important message for where we are now. I am exploring various e book possibilities. Ideally, I would like to have it distributed for free. However, publishing and mailing costs are very expensive. Without getting into the details we are currently losing $10 for every book we sell out of the U.S. I am doing that to get the Word out, Also, since it is a 412 page book the publishing and mailing expense is high, but I am keeping it far lower in price than it should be sold. I am open to ideas on how to get it out for lower prices or free. Perhaps, I can ask for donors to buy quantities of the book and others to freely distribute them. I am very aware of the financial situation people are in and plan to release this year more free resources on the internet and I am open to any ideas people have regarding the book. Right now we have to charge, but perhaps we can get people to help us in the addition we have to be fair. I do read all the constructive comments and I think about them, pray about them more than you realize. So keep praying for me and maybe God can give us an idea on this for 2014. Also, at my Paradise Church meetings we offer discounts and for people who want to distribute a case or more of the books or quantities I will work with you!

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