Saturday, December 21, 2013

When Will The Economy Collapse?

When will the economy collapse? Well in order to answer that question we have to first look at the geopolitical variables holding the dollar up, in particular the petrodollar.

the debt in this country is unmanageable that will cause a collapse eventually . college kids graduate can't find jobs in there field of study banks will not let college kids borrow to open a company because of the prior mistake made by the banks. This country is following the methods used in Soviet Union. The infrastructure in this country is collapsing way more then anything freeways and streets all over America are falling apart. Great economies are based on creating wealth not in just people having a minimal amount of funds from a fascist company who wouldn't even offer there employees good medical. We in this country don't have a industry were we make anything anymore .The time when america was at its strongest was when we made everything in this country and the workers had financial freedom, we don't have any of that anymore. We are creating in our schools functioning idiots who barely are able to graduate high school. A civil war or revolution would be the best thing but the people are not ready for that. If their is a oil boom none i this country will get a dime because the companies own the land not the government so a very few will ever see the money from a oil boom. unlike in the middle east where the government owns everything and the people get money every month.

1 comment:

  1. Fear not for this confusion and war with Iran n Syria will not come about. for the one world government will not come to be until the Deadly Wound of the one world goverment is healed.Rev.13:3. Thats when all will wonder n worship the dragon satan claiming hes Jesus who heals that Wound. Folks 2014 is going to be a very interesting year.
