Friday, December 27, 2013

Tsunami Alert ~ 5.4 Mag. Quake In Volcanic Isl. (CANARY ISLANDS) Poses MAJOR THREAT to EASTERN USA

Tsunami Alert ~ 5.4 Mag. Quake In Volcanic Isl. (CANARY ISLANDS) Poses MAJOR THREAT to EASTERN USA

Joel 2:30 Fuller, deeper meaning...

And I will shew - (I will - consider, count and weep and deliver up [with a vengeance]
I will ordain hanging up)

wonders - (Miraculous signs and wonders as omens)

in the heavens - (aloft in the sky, where the clouds move and where celestial bodies revolve) (that is, Air, atmosphere and in space)

and in the earth, - (in the earth, in Terra Firma - in the nations and in the wilderness)

blood, - (bloodshed, drops of blood, of man, of animals, of bloodguilt upon the innocent)

and fire, - (fire and firey hot)

and pillars - (pillars and clouds)

of smoke. (smokey dusty angry vapor)

Exhaustive Meaning: ... "The Lord will answer and say unto His people..."

[I will consider, count and weep, and deliver up with a vengeance; I will ordain - hanging up

Miraculous signs and wonders as omens

aloft in the sky, where the clouds move and where celestial bodies revolve

and in the earth, in Terra Firma - in the nations and in the wilderness

Blood, bloodshed, drops of blood, of man, of animals, of bloodguilt upon the innocent

and fire hot

pillars and clouds

of smokey, dusty, angry, vapor.]

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