Friday, December 13, 2013

Trunews December 12, 2013 - Bug Out Round-table Discussion

On today's special program, Pastor Chris Steinle hosts a round-table discussion with three individuals who have been led by the Lord to leave the United States. Ray Gano, executive director of Prophezine, John Price, author of "The End of America," and Stephen in Panama, share their motivations for leaving America and trials they experienced along the way.

1 comment:

  1. You hear many so called preachers talk about the returning of our Lord Jesus but fail to tell you that doesn't happen until the son of perdition satan himself stands in the Holy Place Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus, and Thank God He has shortened his stay to 5 months or everyone even Gods Elect would be decieved into following satan he'll be that convincing. That all comes to pass at the 6th Trump Rev.12:6-9 when satan is cast out of Heaven to this here earth.The evil powers that are in control are setting the stage with much confusion going on in this world today but as you can read in Rev 13:3 the dragon heals that Deadly Wound of the one world government thats when all wonder n worship the dragon. Its all been written in Fathers Letter to us the Bible. Visit ShepherdsChapel n allow Pastor Murray to take you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse understanding a child can absorb of Fathers Word answering questions folks send in after the lecture. If you have eyes to see n ears to hear your going to be Amazed what you have never been taught from your King James Bible
